Small bit is spoonflower sample. |
So we have a general idea that we want a retro 70s tiki look. What does that mean? Bright Tropical prints, in yellows and reds. Wood goes with it well, maybe add some bamboo to add more exoticism. So I found some designs on Spoonflower I liked and had some samples printed. And hunted at Joanns and ebay for fabric too. So many choices. Oh and pinterest does not help. I did not know the the 70s had such space age cool looks too. Yes, it was known for being tacky and loud, but there was also a modern edge to some of it.
My pinterest ideas for decor
The Countertop
Still trying to decide what to do about the countertop. I spent the better part of two weeks removing the laminate but when I got to the last section, I cracked it. Then I broke the skinny piece completely off. We got a few chips to check out but nothing really matched or even coordinates. These were the best of at least 50 that we looked through.
The Gaucho Bed
A word of advice when buying something like this, make sure you look under everything. Did my husband look under the sheet on the bed or the nice little bag holder on the counter? No, he looked at mechanicals for the most part. Which, to his credit, he is a mechanical guy and nothing major showed up there. The frame rust would have required him to scoot under the GMC to find. But the bag holder was conveniently covering some water damage on the wall, and the sheet covered the water damage on the mattress. Yes, thanks for the sheets and blankets.

So when I looked at this bed, I had all sorts of questions. Why three parts? Why was the fabric different from the dinette? How did it get the stain? What is the cutout in the wall for? Why is there a padded bar(it's on the floor in the picture) and why is that not attached? Can we both sleep on it? In practice, not really. That one cushion against the wall is not as compressed at the rest, so it's uneven and I roll off it. I'm going to have to change the cushions.