Winter is a beautiful time in Florida, but it makes it really hard to get camping spots. Someone wanted to use the coach and his birthday was this weekend, so after searching all over the state we found a spot available at Phipps Park. Even the guy at check-in was impressed, since the place had been full for weeks and was booked full for the rest of the season. We've always been lucky with these last minute things. Anyway, it's right next to the St Lucie Locks, and there's a Army Corp of Engineers campground there too. Which are apparently even harder to get into, since there's only 9 rv sites, 3 tent sites and 8 boat campsites.
Behind us is a river |
Ready to burn tonight! |
Polished on the one side |
The outside decals have all been removed, and cleaned, and slowly being polished(by hand!). This picture shows the difference between the side, which has been polished, and the roof, which hasn't. That's not a white roof! It's about the only change being made on this vehicle. Too many other things going on to work on anything major. Also, we got a pirate tire cover, to commemorate its first gig.