Friday, January 17, 2025

Anniversary Camping Day 1

 When we got married in 2001, Jan 20th was a Saturday, and it was not an election year and MLK day was a couple of days later.....  Well this year they all fell on the same day.  The happy accident part was a free 3 day weekend for me from work!

I got home Thursday night and pulled the coach out of its  dock on the side of the house.  I had driven it last Sunday AM and aired it out to check systems and gassed it up to save time.  I loaded a few items: the SUP, life jackets and tools.

I burned an off day on Friday and was up and on the load out by 8:30 AM after a run to the store to buy stamps for a letter that needed to go.

I was shooting for a 10:30 AM departure and we were mobile by 10:50.  About 8-9 miles into the trip we got a bit of a scare as the coach filled with the smell of burning clutch or brakes.   As it's an automatic, I figured I might be dragging a brake, so moved over to the exit lane.  Just as I headed down the on ramp, I saw a truck ahead with a lot of smoke coming off the rear axles.    

I pulled into a parking lot and checked out everything with my eyes and nose and we passed, so we got right back on the road as it was over 230 miles to the park.   We hit rain and drizzle around WPB and that lasted up to around Vero Beach.   

We had another quick scare of buring oil, but that was from antoher vehicle also as it didn't last very long.   Stopped for Gas in Melbourne and then a Publix right off 95 on the way to the park as we forgot hot sauce.

The Eagle landed at the park just shy of 4PM.  We did nominal set up {plugged in the electric, turned on the fridge and pulled the bikes off), then headed to the beach.

Good thing Tommy can't read!   He was soaking up the rays on a clear and bright day, temp around 60 and warm in the sun.

Behind the scenes look at Tommy's fashion shoot.

Enjoying a wonderful afternoon, the weather was perfect!

The boys getting ready for the golden hour.  notice the tall shadows.

The park was renamed for Gamble Rogers the famous folk Singer, who gave his life trying to save another man in the rough surf despite suffering from a spinal disease that restricted his movement. Sadly both drowned.

A cool vintage trailer on the beachside campground. I took note of the name of it and promptly forgot....whoops.  Pretty sure it began with a B.

Back on the Riverside Campground, it was pretty dark out, great sky viewing as it was super clear out and the moon wasn't up yet Venus and Sturn at Conjunction.

Wider shot of Saturn and Venus over the trees looking west over the Intercoastal (just behind the trees)

Lovely dinner of fire roasted potatos, Argentinian sausage and a Macadamia Nut, apple and lettuce salad paired with a Cabernet 

My camera does take some cool fire shots...

We wrapped up the fire by 10PM and headed inside to relax.   Woke up around 4-5 AM to a passing shower, but slept very well trying out our new Ceramic Heater (worked well, set to 65, nice and comfy).

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