Monday, July 13, 2020

July 4th

Usually the Fourth of July is BBQ Hamburgers and Hot Dogs, the pool, and then the beach for Fireworks.   This year, they closed down the beaches understandably as most people can't control themselves.   They announced it about a week out and not one to sit around, took a look at availability at the old standby, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve.  Low and behold, there were four spots left on the horse loop (my first choice anyway).  Briefly consulted the social director (aka my partner) and hit the reserve button.

We doubted anyone would want to go due to the heat and the holiday and sure enough, no interested parties, so it was just the 3 of us.   I had Friday off so we booked the nights of the 3rd an 4th.

We got out of the house Friday morning in record time, hitting the road around 11:40.  The drive up was uneventful and when we got to the park, I offered my daughter the chance to drive it.  She said no (I was surprised), but Lucy said I'll do it.

So she drove the 4 miles on the gravel road, while I navigated around potholes and washboard sections (I'm convinced my roof leak is from bombing down this road too fast and jarring everything apart, especially after my ball joint went).

What you can't see in the pic is up ahead where the trees are in the distance, you make left and run all the way to the trees near the driver side mirror.  That's the campground.   Ahead at the trees is where alot of the gators hang out.  So after the turn I"m looking at my phone and she blurts out, "I ran over a snake!".   Really?  We are going about 10 mph, how did you do that?  She doesn't see anything in the rearview so we keep going.  This is more interesting later.

 The kiddo playing her last video game for the weekend, before her device was confiscated.

 This Thunderstorm went sailing by just to the north, maybe half a mile to a mile away.  I thought we were good to go, but the storm blossomed and backfilled into the campground for about half an hour.

 My mobile seamstress, hard at work making new curtains for the coach.  Hugo is supervising I see.

 Some of the afternoon moisture.  The sound of the drumming on the roof had an interesting rhythm with the sewing machine.

 After the rain, it was off for a walk to the firewood graveyard (a short walk is where the rangers dump the partially burnt wood campers leave).   Mr. Bun was out having salad.   There were also a group of deer not far away, but I didn't take a picture.

 The wood was wet and slow to start.  I brought wood from home, the nice round branches are from my Mom's oak tree.  They weren''t dry enough yet...

 It took awhile and about 5 or 6 Cabbage Palm fronds, but I got it going....with the help of some kiln dried wood I brought with too.

Took me over an hour to get a cooking fire working for our shrimp on the skewer.  It was completely dark but the Pineapple LED works wonders.  The shrimp and couscous was delish.  It was overcast so no star gazing and off to bed fairly early.

 Tommy and Lucy out for the pre breakfast ride (it gets HOT quick).  We didn't find the snake she mowed down.  Figured a vulture or something took it for a snack.

 Looking east over the Dead Pine Island Marsh and one of the sloughs through the park.  This is a gator hangout and boy was it loaded this morning.  If you zoom in you might spot a couple, there are at least 10 in this photo.   It was mating season and we had never seen/heard them bellow before.  Honestly, it was a bit intimidating, especially when the 10-12 footer stood up and roared.  After seeing a gator snatch a dog off a golf course in the early 80s in Cooper City, I have a HEALTHY respect for them and give 'em a wide berth.  Anyway here is a vid of one doing what we saw...

It was impressive.  When the big boy went, we thought someone was starting an outboard, lol.  We decided breakfast was in order and left the reptiles to their privacy.

 As it was hot out, I used the shade to work on replacing the speedometer cable on the coach.  I got pretty greasy, but while I got the old one out, the new one didn't want to go in.  Suffice to say it was a stupid design on GM's part, but ultimately I will prevail.  I quit when I lost the shade and the brutal sun beat down. 

No rain and this is obviously late in the day as the sun was dropping.

 Prep for the eve, got the LED out to light the picnic table and fire ring.

 Playing with the camera settings, this one and the one just below were taken seconds apart.

 This is the better one, but was trying to capture the colors.  They were too subtle.

 Better (a few min later), but still washed out, but needed to get us not being silhouettes.

 Our Fourth of July Fireworks......

 Our neighbor was a single guy from Islamorada.  I don't blame him for leaving the keys for the holidays.  We were curious as he was by himself an had a tent and this EZ up.   Turns out he had a pool hidden in the tent, lol.   I was jealous but didn't want to share the communal water.  Did I mention the the 'real feel' was about 105 F  this day?

 Movie at Sunset time!

 Cooked Hamburgers (4th after all!) and we played some games in the coach.  There was a partial lunar Eclipse that peaked around midnight.   We felt ripped off as NOTHING was visible from our view point.  It cleared up enough to see but we saw no shadow even at the peak time...It was a downer.   Anyway on the way in we saw the cow pool party and Tommy wanted photos.   He had a shoot with Hugo.

After the model shoot, we headed home, ready for our next adventure....Oh wait I forgot about Death.
So on the way out as I'm pumping the sewer out I smell something dead.   Weird.   Then we stop in Okeechobee for gas and I get a wiff again.   Then again at the house......I surmise that the snake got tossed up into the wheels and it forward to the following weekend when I install new tires on the rear and I don't find anything and the smell is gone.....we will never know...

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