Last Thursday I took off from work at lunch time, headed home to collect the girls and we were off to Orlando! Took the Turnpike from Jupiter and we made it to the Co-op in 2.5 hours. Thank you left lane airlines as we were flying low 😈. All went well as we went over all the work that had been done on the coach. Isn't the new engine pretty?

In addition to the new engine, the fuel tanks were dropped and all new ethanol resistant lines were installed (along with an electric fuel pump for the Fuel Injection). We also got a new sewer tank as the old black water tank leaked. Ewww, stinky stuff! Here is what the old two tank system looked like:
The macerator is alot easier to use than a stinky slinky (traditional RV dump hose). You just pull the hose out and put it in the hole and flip a switch and no more stinky mess.
Here are the guys trying it out with clean water
After that, a short test drive and some quick lessons on the FI Tech Fuel Injection system and we were off as it was a quick round trip to go collect the coach!

We went and filled up with gas and headed out.....right into rush hour traffic. It took over 45 minutes just to clear the Orlando traffic. It seems our back road short cut out of town is a two lane nightmare at commute times.... The good news is, the coach ran great in the bad traffic and didn't over heat. We got going and the rain caught up to us which slowed us down. We also saw an accident where a bucket truck flipped in the median. We ran that last 100 miles home on the interstate and the coach ran well at 60-65 turning about 2500 RPM. I filled it up tonight and with sitting in traffic we got 10 MPG on the first half of tank.....
Lot's more to come about prep work for our trip (I have 3 days left in the evenings!).
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